Lumenstone: Stormheim (paladin)

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PaladinLumenstone: Stormheim
Level 108 (760)
Duration 1 hour
Followers 3
Type Campaign
Enemies Plunderer Jurval
Tideskorn Huntress
Call Lightning
Cost 50 Order Resources
Champion XP 1,800
Bonus Chest 8x  [Lumenstone]


Our scouts stumbled upon a vrykul raiding party equipped with  [Lumenstone] weapons. We can deal a double blow - eliminate the enemy, and take their weapons for our own.


  • Plunderer Jurval: Powerful
  • Tideskorn Huntress: Slowing Lethal Disorienting Cursed
  • Call Lightning: Lethal Slowing Cursed Disorienting


  • 1,800 follower XP


You will receive:
Inv ore mithril 02.png 8x [Lumenstone]

Patch changes

External links