Lost in Transition (Horde)

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HordeLost in Transition
Start Yorn Longhoof
End Yorn Longhoof
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 14,400
Rewards 15g 40s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-40] Lost in Transition.


Gather 5 Crate of Surplus Materials.


<Sir/Ma'am>, the storehouse is fully operational and I've seen to it that your supplies are safely stored away and accounted for.

Unfortunately, during the rest of my audit I found that we are missing a few crates of surplus material - probably misplaced by one of the porters.

If you happen to come across any of the surplus crates while making your rounds, please bring them to me and I'll update our ledger.


You will receive: 15g 40s


Hello commander, what can I do for you?


Thank you, according to the ledger that appears to be everything we're missing.
Those peons are going to be cleaning the latrines tonight for this!


You must construct a Storehouse in order to get this quest.

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