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Lost Goat

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Not to be confused with N [50RWQ] Lost Goat.
NeutralLost Goat
Image of Lost Goat
Race Goat (Beast)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Gol Koval, Drustvar
Status Deceased

The Lost Goat is a goat located at Gol Koval in Drustvar.



<The little goat appears to be someone's lost farm animal.

The name on the collar reads "Marzipan".>

Gossip "Hey there, Marzipan. You look a little lost! Why don't you come with me and we'll get you home, okay?"

Gossip "Dumb goat. Let's go before you get eaten by monsters."

Either response will cause a Gluttonous Yeti to leap down from the mountains above, killing poor Marzipan instantly.

Patch changes

External links