Lord of the Shado-Pan

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NeutralLord of the Shado-Pan
Start Ban Bearheart [83.5, 56.2]
End Taran Zhu [72.6, 47.0]
Level 20-35 (Requires 20)
Type Dungeon
Category Shado-Pan Monastery
Experience 13420
Reputation +500 Shado-Pan
Rewards Item level 420 helms
Previous N [20-35D] Into the Monastery


Taran Zhu, Lord of the Shado-Pan
Free him from the grip of the Sha of Hatred!

Rid Taran Zhu of his possession by the Sha of Hatred.


Our lord, Taran Zhu, has been overcome by a sha of pure hatred. The whole monastery has been lost!

<Class>, you must find a way to free him of this possession. Last I saw, he was meditating in the Grove of Falling Blossoms.


Inv helmet cloth dungeoncloth c 06.png [Antagonist's Headwrap] Inv helmet cloth dungeoncloth c 06.png [Cowl of Angry Thoughts]
Inv helmet leather dungeonleather c 06.png [Headcover of Disturbed Serenity] Inv helmet leather dungeonleather c 06.png [Headcover of the Impatient]
Inv helm mail dungeonmail c 06.png [Cowl of Internal Strife] Inv helm mail dungeonmail c 06.png [Vexing Coif]
Inv helmet plate panda b 02.png [Helm of Enmity] Inv helmet plate panda b 02.png [Helm of Unstable Temperament]
Inv helmet plate dungeonplate c 07.png [Hood of Endless Agitation]

You will also receive:


Thank you, <class>. I am cleansed of all hatred.

Know that you are a hero of the Shado-Pan.


Go all the way through the instance and defeat Taran Zhu.


Optional breadcrumb: B [20-35] The Shado-Pan

  1. N [20-35] Turnabout & N [20-35] The Defense of Shado-Pan Fallback
  2. N [20-35] Unmasking the Yaungol
  3. N [20-35] To Winter's Blossom
  4. N [20-35] Honor, Even in Death & N [20-35] A Line Unbroken
  5. N [20-35] To the Wall!
  6. N [20-35] Off the Wall! & N [20-35] A Terrible Sacrifice
  7. N [20-35] Lao-Chin's Gambit
  8. N [20-35] Do a Barrel Roll!
  9. N [20-35] Finish This!
  10. N [20-35] Where are My Reinforcements?
  11. N [20-35] Unbelievable!
  12. N [20-35D] Into the Monastery
  13. N [20-35D] Lord of the Shado-Pan

Patch changes

External links