Looming Over Me

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NeutralLooming Over Me
Start Khaela
End Khaela
Level 45
Category Tailoring
Rewards Design: Lightweave Breeches (Rank 1)


Go to the Arinor Gardens and retrieve Khaela's Lightweave Loom.


When I rallied to the Xenedar, I left behind a valuable tool. My lightweave loom. Without it, I'm forced to labor for much longer to make garments of power for our allies.

But you are powerful, much more so than I. Perhaps you could do me a favor. Should you happen to be in the Arinor Gardens, could you retrieve my loom and return it to me?

I'd be more than willing to share my knowledge of sewing lightweave with you.


You will learn the following: Design: Lightweave Breeches (Rank 1)


Any luck in finding my loom?


You have no idea the time you've just saved me, <name>. You have my utmost gratitude.


  • You must complete N [45] The Sigil of Awakening before this quest will become available.
  • The lightweave loom is located inside a building towards the northern area of Arinor Gardens. [53.8, 23.4]

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