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Image of Loh-Ki
Title <The Storm Watcher>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Friendly
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive

Loh-Ki is a pandaren found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms at the top of a mountain meditating. He tells the legend of Lei Shen's death and the origin of Alani.

Alani's origin as told by Loh-Ki

Legends tell of a great battle that took place in this very vale, turning the golden fields to crimson with the blood of many brave monks. The armies of Lei Shen of Thunder King, emperor of the mogu, fought brutally, but were eventually overcome.

For days following the fall of Lei Shen, the vale was shrouded in a cloud of the deepest black. Summoned by Lei Shen in his final moments, the otherworldly storm blanketed the vale with rainfall and struck jagged spears of lightning into the hills.

The blood of the fallen was washed away by the storm and carried to Whitepetal Lake, turning the waters a deep red. With its final breath, the storm struck the center of the lake, igniting the very water itself. The lake burned with a crimson hue for many days.

When the blaze subsided, a cloud serpent hatching could be seen flying around the center of the lake. Its scales sparked with storm and fire, and where it flew, great clouds formed in the sky. My people named it Alani, the Stormborn.

They say that Alani can only see the flash of the greatest lightning, and may only hear the echo of the greatest thunder. Should you wish to get her attention, you will need to harness the very essence of the sky that spawned her.


Loh-Ki's tale seems to conflict with the other account of Lei Shen dying of old age, as well as the historical account of him dying to the Forge of Origination set off by the tol'vir. This could be seen as a difference between factual and "traditional" history in Pandaren culture. The fact that his name is strikingly similar to Loki, god of mischief and lies in Norse Mythology, also indicates his tale should be taken with a grain of salt.


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