Lo Wanderbrew

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NeutralLo Wanderbrew
Image of Lo Wanderbrew
Title <Apprentice Brewmaster>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dawn's Blossom, Jade Forest
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kai (father), other Wanderbrews
After the questline.

Lo Wanderbrew is a pandaren found at Dawn's Blossom in the Jade Forest.



Initial gossip

Oh Syra, Syra. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met and the kindest soul to ever walk Pandaria.

We want to get married but she is a Goldendraft, and I'm a Wanderbrew.

Gossip after the quests

Thank you again for your help, stranger. I have already begun to think of ideas on the ring I shall craft for Syra's hand.


  • During the beta, he was renamed from Lo Flamelager.

Patch changes

External links