List of pop culture references in Warcraft/MoP

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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria


  • Battletoads
    • The toads at the Pools of Purity (Rash, Zitz, and Pimple) are named after the toads in the arcade game.
    • The quest N [15-35] Bottletoads also references the game, as well as the internet meme and prank based around it. The lines "Coincidentally, I make a jam out of gelatinous toadspawn. I call it "Bottletoads" and "it's a big hit with the kids around here. Can't keep any in stock." are references to the Battletoads trolling meme.
  • BioShock InfiniteElizabeth Birdsong is a reference to one of the main characters Elizabeth who looks very similar with dark hair, blue eyes, and blue and white clothes. She is guarded by Songbird, which her NPC's last name is taken from. Many of her lines reference her personality and the fantastical universe of Columbia, like "I never imagined such a world", "the possibilities are infinite," and "this world is so different."
  • Dead Space — The quest N [30-35] Dread Space is an obvious reference to the Dead Space video game series.
  • Diablo — The achievements granted for killing rares,  [A Worthy Opponent],  [Could We Find More Like That?] and  [Glorious!] are all famous quotes from the Templar companion in Diablo III.
  • Duke NukemDook Ookem and his quotes are based on Duke Nukem.
  • Harvest MoonThe Tillers faction is a shout out to the Harvest Moon series; examples include the giving of gifts to people to gain their friendship and the presence of the  [Blue Feather].
  • Hearthstone
  • Master of OrionThe Klaxxi may be a reference to an insect race called the Klackons in the game.
  • Mortal Kombat — The White Tiger Xuen seems to be a has of this. Along with his achievement  [Finish Them!], he also says "Test. Your. Might!" when you accept his quests.
  • Pikmin — Many quests at Rikkitun Village, such as N [30-35] Great Vessel of Salvation, plays on the likeness of the Pikmin and Sprites.
  • Pokémon — The Pet Battle System is an obvious shout out to the Pokémon series.
  • Real-time strategyN [30-35] Reeltime Strategy is an oronym on the genre name.
  • StarCraft
    • In the cockpit of the  [Sky Golem] is a picture of the Sarah Kerrigan, aka the Queen of Blades.
    • [Zergling Rush] pet ability references a tactic where a player will devote resources very early in the game to producing as many Zerglings as quickly as possible and attack the opponent with them, who ideally will have spent fewer resources at this point on building units and more on his or her economy. Some Zergling rushes can be timed to hit before an opponent has created a single defensive unit.
  • StarFox 64N [20-35] Do a Barrel Roll! is a reference to a popular internet meme spawned by a line said by Peppy Hare.
  • Street Fighter
    • In Kun-Lai Summit there is a female pandaren called Lun-Chi <The Streetfighter>, whose attire resembles Chun-Li's.
    • One of the female pandaren's jokes also references Chun Li: "Let's see, uh, forward, down, forward, PUNCH! No... Down, up, kick..?"
    • Some aspects of female pandaren's appearance and animations also distinctly resemble Chun Li, most specifically their /cheer emote.
  • The Elder Scrolls — A quest N [15-35] Unsafe Passage in Krasarang Wilds has you escorting a group of pandaren that gets ambushed by a rain of arrow. At one point, quest giver and escortee Koro Mistwalker will say Help me up, <player>. I... I took an arrow in the knee...


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