Lightforge iron

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For the quest, see A [29] Lightforge Iron.
Cariel Roame wearing the Lightforge Armor, as seen in Hearthstone.

Lightforge Iron is a metal that is precious to the Church of the Holy Light; according to Bishop Farthing, items crafted from it strike with holy truth.[1]

It cannot be mined in World of Warcraft, and is only found in the form of the  [Lightforge Ingot] contained in the  [Crate of Lightforge Ingots] quest item.

During the Second War, the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras sunk along the coasts of the Wetlands, destroyed by red dragons controlled by the Dragonmaw clan.[2] Among them was the sunken elven destroyer, named the Flying Osprey, with a load of Lightforge ingots on board.

Years later, adventurers were sent to get the ingots back, in order to create a weapon to face the necromancer Morbent Fel in Duskwood.[1] With the help of the dwarf Grimand Elmore, a weaponsmith experienced with this metal,[3] the Lightforge ingots were forged to create  [Morbent's Bane]. The artifact was then used to destroy Morbent Fel's magical shield, and allowed the heroes to kill him.[4] After the Cataclysm, Morbent Fel returned as a lich and was once again defeated, after adventurers found the pieces of Morbent's Bane and repaired it as the  [Torch of Holy Flame].[5] Since this time, the holy artifact made in Lightforge iron was put in front of the necromancer's home, in order to dispel his dark enchantments and to keep the undead docile in the Raven Hill Cemetery.[6]

The Lightforge Armor and the  [Lightforged Blade] are also made of Lightforge iron.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Lightforge Iron is an exceptionally light and flexible metal highly sought after by paladins and templars of all types. According to legend, the ore is formed when touched by the Holy Light. Logically, then, the material is divinely intended for use against the forces of darkness. Although the truth of this is not known, lightforge iron definitely seems to be blessed by some higher power, though it is not inherently good or evil. Even demons have been known to use the material, often out of spite.

Lightforge iron is almost never found deep within the earth. Instead, it appears in clusters of ordinary iron that find their way to the surface during earthquakes or eruptions. Sometimes the ore bubbles up from underground streams or gas pockets that erupt in swamps or moors. This tendency only lends credence to the myriad lightforge iron legends. Deposits have been seen all over the face of Azeroth, but most commonly appear in Dustwallow Marsh, Desolace, and the Searing Gorge.

Items crafted of lightforge iron are unnaturally shiny. They gleam brightly in ordinary light, and seem to take on an unnatural radiance when exposed to the full glare of the sun. Even when dirty or dusty they still somehow seem regal in nature. Crafting lightforge iron requires an exceptionally clean environment, almost as though the material expects to be handled in a manner befitting its divine status. The ore must also be precisely purified, or the resulting item will quickly fracture wherever any impurities lie. Most smiths simply do not have the patience to work with such a temperamental material.

Weapons crafted of lightforge iron gather up ambient light and throw it back in an unnatural shine, producing light equal to that of a torch at all times, except in total darkness.[7]
