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Library versioning tool
TOC n/a - meant to be embedded
Category Libraries
Author Kaelten et al.
AddOn article
This page describes fan-made scripting using the World of Warcraft API which has had notable impact on the game's development/history.

LibStub is a minimalistic versioning library embedded by thousands of other addons.[1] It allows addons to more easily share libraries by checking for the most recent version and making it available to other installed addons. This cross-community library-sharing system was creditted to Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel and joshborke; and has resided in the Public Domain since c. 2007.[2][3]

LibStub-1.0 API

:GetLibrary(major [, silent])


Arg Type Details
major string The name of the library you are requesting
silent boolean (Optional) Suppresses errors when the library is not found


Return Type Details
major table or nil The table instance of a registered library or nil if not found
minor number The minor revision of the registered library



An iterator over the registered major libraries.

:NewLibrary(major , minor)


Arg Type Details
major string The name of the library you are requesting
minor string or number The minor for the registering library


Return Type Details
major table or nil The table to be used by the library.
oldminor number The minor revision of the previously registered library

Who uses LibStub?

  • Ace3, for which it was originally designed
  • Rock, ckknight's framework
  • Some Dongle-related libraries use it.
  • ... and hopefully many more to come!

How to include LibStub in a library or addon


  • get a copy of the current version
  • copy LibStub.lua into your library's folder
  • set up your <library>.toc file to load LibStub.lua (in case you support stand alone loading of the lib)
  • don't load LibStub via the xml file ment for embedded loading of your lib
  • don't set LibStub as X-embeded or OptDep



  • get a copy of the current version
  • copy LibStub.lua into your addon's folder or a subfolder of it

  • set up your <addon>.toc or embeds.xml file to load LibStub.lua
  • don't set LibStub as X-embeded or OptDep


Basic usage

Using an integer for minor versions:

local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("MyLibrary-1.0", 1)

if not lib then
	return  -- already loaded and no upgrade necessary

lib.somearray = lib.somearray or {}

if not lib.frame then

function lib:SomeFunction()
	-- do stuff here

function lib:SomeOtherFunction()
	-- do other stuff here

local function OnUpdate()
	-- timing stuff here

lib.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate);

Using revision control system tags for minor versions:

local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("MyLibrary-1.0", "$Revision: 12345$")

if not lib then
	return  -- already loaded and no upgrade necessary

Bumping the number from a revision control system after it resets or slides backwards (i.e. when moving code from one repository to another):

local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary("MyLibrary-1.0", 
	12345+tonumber(strmatch("%d+","$Revision: 2$")) 

Embedding / Mixing in

This is a convention rather than a function of the specification, but all Ace3 and Rock related libraries use the following semantics for doing embedding / mixing in.

Specifically, libraries with an .Embed() member can be specified as embeds during addon object creation rather than having to embed them explicitly. At the end of the file, we handle library upgrades by re-embedding it in all positions where it was previously embedded / mixed in:

lib.mixinTargets = lib.mixinTargets or {}
local mixins = {"SomeFunction", "SomeOtherFunction" }

function lib:Embed(target)
	for _,name in pairs(mixins) do
		target[name] = lib[name]
	lib.mixinTargets[target] = true

-- At the end of the file
for target,_ in pairs(mixinTargets) do

External links


  1. ^ LibStub: Addon dependents list (A list of more than 2,000 addons who self-identified via wowace or curseforge as depending on LibStub). Retrieved on 2020-02-20.
  2. ^ Edit history of LibStub on 2007-08-29T17:25:43
  3. ^ Nevcairiel 2008-09-28. Alpha version r89 at (See X-License in .toc, and comment at top of .lua).