Liars in Light

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NeutralLiars in Light
Start Myrrit
End Myrrit
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Bonus Objective
Category Zaralek Cavern
Rewards  [Hidden Niffen Treasure]

Liars in Light is a Sniffenseek dig adventure started with Myrrit in Loamm in Zaralek Cavern.



You will receive:

Criteria of


Location: Mysterious Cave, Zaralek Cavern.

Myrrit says: Wow, look at this place! How fancy. I like statues. Let's go see it up close?

Upon approaching the center of the room:

Myrrit says: Ooh, are those tablets a clue? This is so exciting!
Myrrit says: Should I trigger one of these buttons on the ground? Which one?

The cave is a titanforged style room, at the center two pieces of a Deliberately Placed Tablet can be found which can be read. First piece:

One of our family speaks every word true,

You must find the one, should you seek the way through,

But the rest of us sometimes whisper a lie,

Only darkness will find you, if half-truth you don’t spy,

<Here, the tablet is broken off, and cannot be read.>

Second piece:

<A large section of this tablet is missing, but the bottom is readable.>

...will call forth the test of might,

Choose that which speaks right.

<At the bottom, someone has scrawled another message.>

Good luck, NOSY NIFFEN!

Also in the room one can find four statues: a Dragon Statue, a Tauren Statue, an Owl Statue and a Heroic Statue. Pressure plates can be found near the statues, upon being stepped on they activate the stautes otherwise targeting the statues gives back:

<This statue is quiet and dim. It may need some kind of energy to activate.>

Once activated the statues say:

Dragon Statue

<This stone dragon streaked with gold has a runic inscription that lights up.>

The stone statue across from me is as wise, and truthful, as her owl features suggest.

Gossip Choose this statue as telling the truth.

Tauren Statue

<This stone statue of a tauren with a mace has a runic inscription that lights up.>

The heroic, rough stone statue is broken, no longer bound to speak true or eloquently.

Gossip Choose this statue as telling the truth.

Owl Statue

<This broken, wooden statue of an owl has a runic inscription that lights up.>

The tauren statue made of iron who holds the hammer is not the correct choice, if you seek our secrets.

Gossip Choose this statue as telling the truth.

Heroic Statue

<This broken, rough stone statue of an adventurer's feet has a runic inscription that lights up.>

The dragon statue's words can all be trusted.

Gossip Choose this statue as telling the truth.

Myrrit says: Oh no, look out! Aaaaah!

Picking the wrong statue summons Ghastly Lies which attack the adventurer.

The correct choice is the Tauren Statue. Upon picking it, Shade of Skytalon appears:

Shade of Skytalon says: You have found the truth. I am bound to protect this treasure. Defeat me if you can!
Myrrit says: Look! A tauren spirit!

Upon defeating Skytalon and looting  [Small Key] from him:

Myrrit says: A key!

Upon looting the treasure:

Myrrit says: That puzzle would have stumped Effie and me for hours. Great job!
Myrrit says: We're a great team--strong and sniff-tastic!
Myrrit says: Let's head back to town.

Patch changes

External links