Leyweaver Tytallo

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NeutralLeyweaver Tytallo
Image of Leyweaver Tytallo
Gender Male
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Leyweaver
Location Grand Promenade, Suramar
Status Alive

Leyweaver Tytallo is a nightborne found in the Leyweavers' Hall at the Grand Promenade in Suramar City.



Initial gossip

You are of no interest to me. I come from an accomplished lineage of Suramar tailors. You, obviously, do not.

Gossip after N Tailoring [45] The Queen's Grace Loom

Hello, leyweaver. What can I do for you?

Main article: The Queen's Grace Loom#Notes

Patch changes

External links