Letter from Kirygosa

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Letter from Kirygosa is received with a mail from Kirygosa after completing N [70] Blue is My Favorite Color.

A Memento

Hello, <name>. I've been thinking about your last visit. I thought you might know where Kalecgos is, given your friendship with him. He is difficult to locate nowadays.

You, on the other hand! Why, any messenger knows of your name by now. Next time we meet, I'd like to hear more about your worldly adventures.

Whenever you feel the time is right, could you please give this letter to Kalecgos? I hope to see you both soon again.

- Kirygosa


Using the letter will start a sequence of messages:

Kirygosa says: Dearest Kalec. It was neverending, getting to know grief.
Kirygosa says: It was deeper than the oceans of Azeroth, more twisted than the sands of time, darker than the void...
Kirygosa says: Stranglethorn was a welcome distraction. Here, however, rekindled a hope I thought lost.
Kirygosa says: If grief decides to visit Dawn's Blossom, I will meet it with my life.
Kirygosa says: Some day, let's fly over Azeroth again.


  • Although the mail says that the letter should be delivered to Kalecgos, there is no option to do so.

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