Letter from Kilrogg

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Letter from Kilrogg

Letter from Kilrogg was written by Kilrogg Deadeye the warlord of the Bleeding Hollow clan, and likely given to Rulkrik the Pillager. It include his thoughts on the promised victory offered by Gul'dan and attempts to prepare his forces for an attack by salvaging abandoned equipment.



The Letter from Kilrogg can be found in a hut, near the docks of Zeth'Kur in Tanaan Jungle next to Rulkrik.


Letter from Kilrogg

The warlock Gul'dan promises victory, but our clan should still look after its own. I understand a lot of weapons and armor were left behind when the southern docks were abandoned.

Take a small force and loot as much as possible. An assault by our enemies is long overdue.

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