Laying Dionor to Rest (Alliance)

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AllianceLaying Dionor to Rest
Start Birchus [50.3, 47.5]
End Birchus [50.3, 47.5]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 17630
Rewards Item level 534 cloaks
37g 80s
Previous A [15-40] Taking the Death Bloom
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-40] Laying Dionor to Rest.


Watch Birchus's ritual.

  • Ritual completed


You have given me a tremendous gift with this bloom. I can finally send Dionor back to the Overgrowth for good and end this nightmare. All that remains is the ritual... stay and behold something you will never see again in your lifetime...

On accept:

Birchus says: You will not be disappointed. Finally my long adventure is over! Arise Dionor!
Birchus says: Rest Dionor, I am sorry it took so long...


You will receive one of:

Item level 534 cloaks
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 02 leather.png [Grace of Dionor] Inv cape draenorquest90 b 04 plate.png [Wisdom of Dionor]
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 02 leather.png [Strength of Dionor] Inv cape draenorquest90 b 04 plate.png [Fortitude of Dionor]
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 01 cloth.png [Clarity of Dionor]

You will also receive: 37g 80s


At last it is done. Dionor has left and his spawn shall follow him in due time.

I grow weary of this conflict and the desire to return to the Overgrowth has left me.

Perhaps I will travel beyond these lands and see what other surprises you little beasts have to share...


  • 17630 XP


  1. A [15-40] Seeking the Scout / H [15-40] Reagents from Rakthoth
  2. Complete both:
  3. B [15-40] Shredder vs. Saberon / B [15-40] Beatface vs. Boulder
  4. Complete both:
  5. B [15-40] Taking the Death Bloom
  6. B [15-40] Laying Dionor to Rest

Patch changes

External links