Laurence E. Craft

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AllianceLaurence E. Craft
Image of Laurence E. Craft
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hook Point, Boralus
Status Alive

Laurence E. Craft is a human located just outside Scribes & Nobles in Hook Point in Boralus where he is hosting a booksigning event for his latest release.



My latest work is a true masterpiece. A literary jewel, drug from the depths of the seas, to dazzle and seduce the reader. Are you here to sing my praises?

Gossip Would you please sign my book? (if  [A Steamy Romance Novel: Stormy Seas] has been obtained)

A true fan! What a delight! You must be in a daze to meet me. Do not worry your little precious head, I am just a regular adventurer, like yourself. Except I am an unbelievably wealthy award-winning author, whose fans cross oceans for even the chance to meet me.

Here is your book. I am sure you will cherish it.

Laurence signs the book and hands over  [A Steamy Romance Novel: Stormy Seas].


  • His name in the book was spelled Lawrence.
  • He was originally named Sam C. Langhorne during early alpha.

Patch changes

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