Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider

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HordeMagistrix Landra Dawnstrider
Image of Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Magisters
Location Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods[44, 71]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Courier Dawnstrider (nephew)
Student(s) Apprentice Mirveda (protegé)

Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider is a blood elf mage who leads Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods. She represents Silvermoon which granted her the status of magistrix.

Halis Dawnstrider standing nearby unsuccessfully attempts to get her attention. Their relation is unclear.




It is shameful that we sin'dorei have lost so much of what we used to call home. It shall not be long before we regain our strength and retake our southern land back from the Scourge!

Patch changes

External links

es:Landra Caminalba