Lady Martisha

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NeutralLady Martisha
Image of Lady Martisha
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Fernwood Ridge, Tiragarde Sound[70.4, 12.4]

Lady Martisha is a deceased human located in a cave behind the Witch of the Woods's house at Fernwood Ridge in Tiragarde Sound, along with the body of Gaius Duffy and a Ritual Effigy. Interacting with the effigy will cause the two bodies to float into the air while a Twin-hearted Construct rises from where the effigy sat.

Martisha and Gaius were presumably tricked by the Witch of the Woods into taking part in a ritual that bound them to the construct.


While the Twin-Hearted Construct is in combat, Martisha and Gaius will speak:

75% health
Gaius Duffy says: What... what have we become?
25% health
Lady Martisha says: I was told we could be together this way!
Lady Martisha says: She... promised...
Gaius and Martisha's bodies fade away.

Patch changes

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