Kyrian Tactician

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KyrianKyrian Tactician
Start Iona Skyblade
End Zo'sorg
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Covenant Sanctum
Rewards Achievement legionpvp6tier2.png Unrated PvP Item Level


Meet with Zo'sorg in the Enclave in Oribos.


Look around you, <name>. Elysian Hold stands as a testament to the progress we have made thanks to you.

Zo'sorg has once again requested your presence in Oribos. Go at once.

The favor of Cartel Zo is not something we want to squander. A broker clan's trust is not one effortlessly gained.

Perhaps they have more rewards to bestow upon you.


You will learn: Achievement legionpvp6tier2.png Unrated PvP Item Level


I see your skills in combat have improved even further. I trust you have made good use of our previous offer?

Zo'dash is now instructed to offer the full suite of his services to you. I look forward to seeing their impact on your performance.

Patch changes

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