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Kyrian Steward

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NeutralKyrian Steward
Image of Kyrian Steward
Gender Both
Race Steward (Humanoid)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Bastion
Status Alive

Kyrian Stewards are stewards located in the Vestibule of Eternity and Aspirant's Rest in Bastion. They can be seen carrying crates and scrubbing the floors. Some can be seen playing the flute.


  • You want, I get?
  • <The steward hums a jolly tune to <himself/herself>.>
  • Hoo! Hello! New aspirant! Yay!
  • AHH! New aspirant! Ring bells! Sound horns! Best day!!!
  • Hi! You new! Very good! Yes!
  • We help! What do you need?
  • Make clean. Make nice. Bastion beautiful, yes?
  • Good training today? Sore? Maybe sit. Maybe stretch.
  • Nice aspirant. What need?
  • How can this one make happy?
  • I get you something?
  • Juice is good for thinking. Good for sparring. You want I get juice?

Patch changes

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