Kristoff Manheim

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NeutralKristoff Manheim
Image of Kristoff Manheim
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Guardians of Hyjal
Location Mount Hyjal[27.2, 40.8]
Status Alive
Hang in there!

Kristoff Manheim is a human member of the Guardians of Hyjal. He can be found hanging from an ogre meathook in the back of Gar'gol's Hovel in Mount Hyjal.


  • Ability stealth.png Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.




Hello, <class>. I imagine you have a lot of questions.

Suffice it to say that Royce Duskwhisper sent me into the middle of an ogre cave for some "Eye of Twilight" jib-job, and it hasn't gone well.

If I ever get my hands on that lanky, heartless, mealy-mouthed little night elf...

<Kristoff wriggles helplessly as he dangles in the air, his face reddening.>

Gossip So how is your research into the Eye coming along?

<Name>, <name>. Can I call you <name>?
I am hanging from a meathook in the back of an ogre cave.
How do you THINK my research is progressing, you pompous dirt-sucking ass-<class>? C'mere! C'mere you son of a swineherd!
<Kristoff flutters back and forth on his chain, trying desperately to kick you in the face.>

Well? Are you going to help me down?

Gossip Um, no. Would you mind hanging out a little longer? I have some stuff I need to take care of first.

You... WHAT?
Come over here and say that!
<Kristoff kicks and flails his limbs in a frothing rage, his head twisting around to glare at you.>
So help me, I will - I am going to - I will knock your brains out! I will fill the empty cavity left behind with my boot! Come here! GET BACK HERE!
<Kristoff strains to grasp your neck, his fingers waggling inches from your face.>
  • Kristoff Manheim says: Okay, let's do this! You fight the ogres, and I will...not fight them. Head for the exit!
Kristoff Manheim says: We made it! I'll find my way back on my own. Do me a favor and go tell Royce Duskwhisper where he can stick his stupid  [Eye of Twilight].

Patch changes

External links