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This article contains information and lore exclusive to the Warcraft film universe, which is considered to be separate from the main Warcraft universe canon.
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Gender Male
Race Orc
Affiliation(s) Thunderlord clan, Horde
Location Draenor
Status Alive

Kovogor is a member of the Thunderlord clan.

He would support his Chieftain's refusal to join the Horde convinced, like the other Thunderlords, that the clans united would over hunt an area and lead to nothing but quarrel. However, in time the Thunderlord would join the Horde, and while there was an initial quarrel, the fighting would stop, as each clan took to sharing what they knew, and unity between the orc clans would shape. A fact that impressed Kovogor, who would have the honor of accompanying Gul'dan as he journeyed to parlay with Durotan and bring Frostwolf clan into the Horde. Kovogor would be allowed to speak by Gul'dan at this parlay and he would share the initial skepticism and later wonder the Thunderlords endured, which would greatly tempt Durotan into joining the Horde. However in the end Durotan would decline the invitation coming to understand that joining the Horde would make the Frostwolf clan into Gul'dan's slaves, and Kovogor would depart with Gul'dan.[1]


  1. ^ Warcraft: Durotan Chapter 15