Know Your Enemy (beta)

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NeutralKnow Your Enemy
Start Ashyen
End Ashyen
Level 70 (Requires 67)
Category Serpentshrine Cavern
Experience 12,650
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards 7g 59s


Obtain a Coilfang Spellbook from the naga inside of Coilfang Reservoir and bring it to Ashyen at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.


Defeating an enemy requires more than superior power or numbers. Victory often hinges on knowledge of an opponent's weaknesses, the anticipation of their plans or the recognition of a behavior pattern.

We know much about the naga, yet much of their magical practices remain foreign to us.

I seek to learn of the Hydromancy used by the naga of Coilfang Reservoir. Bring me one of their spellbooks so I may learn more about it.


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