Kixi the Shiv

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NeutralKixi the Shiv
Image of Kixi the Shiv
Title <Arena Battlemaster>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Steamwheedle Cartel
Occupation Battlemaster
Location Unknown

Kixi the Shiv was a goblin battlemaster located in Shattrath City.


Gossip at low level
You don't have what it takes to fight in the Steamwheedle Fighting Circuit, <class>. Stop wasting my time.
Gossip at high enough level
All right, <class>. You think you have what it takes to make it in the Steamwheedle Fighting Circuit's arena battlegrounds?
Battlemaster I would like to fight in an arena.

Patch changes

External links