Kill The Flame

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NeutralKill The Flame
Start Theotar
End Theotar
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Assault
Reputation +125 Court of Harvesters

Kill The Flame is a potential quest for the N [60B] Kyrian Assault on Cocyrus and Zovaal's Cauldron in the Maw.


Infernus The Infinite
Like the forges of Zovaal's Cauldron, its flames are never ending.

Kill Infernus the Infinite for Theotar.


Can you see it?

Just out of the corner of my eye, it's always there... glowing so brightly!

How is one supposed to relax and enjoy a cup of tea while that reminder of fire and ash is around.

Please Maw Walker do mea favor... remove it so that we may all enjoy a cup of my favorite blend!


You will receive:


Have you killed that dreadful creature?


A sweet reprieve from that creature's dreadful glare.


N [60B] Kyrian Assault, four of:

Patch changes

External links