Keep to the Path

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NeutralKeep to the Path
Start Featherlight [65.7, 27.9]
End Lady Moonberry [63.6, 36.3]
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 6,800
Rewards 24g 57s
Previous N [55-60] Souls of the Forest
Next N [55-60] Spirits of the Glen, N [55-60] Dreamweaver


Continue down the road toward Tirna Vaal.


That's everything on the list for this part of the forest. Lady Moonberry said to meet her in Tirna Vaal. It's just down the road; I'm going to fly ahead so everyone knows to expect you.

Just stay on the path and you won't be eaten. Probably. See you soon!


You will receive:

  • 24g 57s
  • 6,800 XP


Hey! You survived!


Featherlight says you've kept up your end of our deal. That's great to hear!

I have some news to share about getting you an audience with the Queen.


On accept:

Featherlight says: Stay on the road to reach Tirna Vaal. I'll see you there!

Head down the path and things quickly go wrong:

Nelwyn sobs.
Nelwyn says: Help! Won't anyone please help me?

Speak with Nelwyn:

My granny is so sick!
We were trying to go to Tirna Vaal. We were hoping the Droman could help us, but she's so weak and the forest is so dangerous!
Please, would you help me? My granny is hiding in a cave nearby. She's so sick...
Gossip I'm going that way, too. I'll help.
Nelwyn says: Oh, thank you, stranger! It's so hard to find someone you can trust.

Follow Nelwyn off the road to the east and under a tree. "Granny" lies prone:

<This Sylvar is unnaturally pale and is barely breathing... She might be dead already.
You blink and one eye is wide open, staring at you.
The mouth stretches open into a gaping maw.>
Gossip My, what big teeth you have Granny.

Granny turns into a shadowstalker. Defeat it, then speak with Nelwyn:

<Nelwyn smirks at you.>
Gossip Hey! What's the big idea?
Nelwyn says: Now we play for real!
Nelwyn reveals her form as three Mire Tricksters stacked on top of each other!
Mire Trickster says: You should have stuck to the road!

Defeat the three tricksters, then head west back to the road. It's a straight shot south to Tirna Vaal.

Featherlight says: Hurry, now! Everything must be perfect for the queen!
Lady Moonberry says: Hello again! I have good news!

Speak with Moonberry:

So, you got Korenth to do the dance, huh?
<Moonberry laughs.>
I knew I liked you, <name>. I'll keep your name in mind in case I have any other odd jobs or favors to do.
I bring good news! The Queen is coming to Tirna Vaal! This grove will remain open to tend to wildseeds and harbor souls. She will be here soon to bless the heart and reinvigorate everything.
You should have a chance to talk to her then.
Gossip <Express your appreciation for her help.>

This concludes the "Welcome to Ardenweald" chapter of the Ardenweald storyline. Droman Tashmur starts the next two quest chains, beginning with N [55-60] Spirits of the Glen and N [55-60] Dreamweaver. He also has some gossip text:

The ripples of time stretch across an eternal sea.
Gossip Who are you? WHAT are you?
I am tirnenn. I am of the forest, kin to the trees.
When the Winter Queen stretched out her hand and created Ardenweald, we were among the first to grow. We dug our roots deep and lifted walls high. We built the groves.
The tirnenn serve, until the immeasurable breadth of time is spent, and we return to the cycle.


  1. N [55-60] Journey to Ardenweald
  2. N [55-60] I Moustache You to Lend a Hand
  3. N [55-60] First on the Agenda
  4. N [55-60] Wildseed Rescue
  5. N [55-60] We Can't Save Them All
  6. N [55-60] Souls of the Forest
  7. N [55-60] Keep to the Path

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Featherlight says you've kept up your end of our deal. Good thing, too. I was able to catch the Queen's attention for a brief moment.

Patch changes

External links