Kayneth Stillwind (quest)

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AllianceKayneth Stillwind
Start Shindrell Swiftfire
End Kayneth Stillwind
Level 29 (Requires 24)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 600 EXP (or 3s 60c at level 70)


Take Shindrell's Note to Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song.


The druid Kayneth Stillwind sent word to me. He would like a report of the happenings along our coast and in the forests surrounding Astranaar. He fears there is a corruption moving through Ashenvale... and he may be right.

Here, take my report to him. You will find him in the shrine of Forest Song, in the Nightsong Woods to the east.


You will receive:


Do you have something for me?


Ah, Shindrell's report!  Many thanks, <name>.  Shindrell is a fine sentinel, brave and keen.  I must read this for clues of a wickedness I fear is moving through Ashenvale.


Kayneth Stillwind's gossip

The balance of nature is a delicate one, and easily tipped. Are you brave enough to make things right?

Patch changes

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