Kavina Grovesong

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Main article: Faction Champions
BossKavina Grovesong
Image of Kavina Grovesong
Title <Druid>
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Trial of the Crusader
Status Killable

Kavina Grovesong is an Alliance balance druid and is one of the possible opponents for Horde in the Faction Champions battle in the Trial of the Crusader raid instance.

10-player abilities

  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Wrath — Causes 5170 to 5830 Nature damage to the target.
  • Spell arcane starfire.png Starfire — Causes 6882 to 8118 Arcane damage to the target.
  • Spell nature starfall.png Moonfire — Burns the enemy for 2300 to 2700 Arcane damage and then an additional 4000 Arcane damage over 12 sec.
  • Spell nature insectswarm.png Insect Swarm — The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks by 3% and causing 13878 Nature damage over 12 sec.
  • Spell nature faeriefire.png Faerie Fire — Decrease the armor of the target by 15% for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible.
  • Spell nature stranglevines.png Entangling Roots — Roots the target in place and causes 1576 Nature damage over 10 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Cyclone — Tosses the enemy target into the air, preventing all action but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.
  • Spell nature stoneclawtotem.png Barkskin — The druid's skin becomes as tough as bark. All damage taken is reduced by 40%. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep. Useable in all forms. Lasts 12 sec.
  • Ability druid forceofnature.png Force of Nature — Summons 3 treants to attack enemy targets for 30 sec. Each treant has 20,370 hit points.

25-player abilities

  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Wrath — Causes 5170 to 5830 Nature damage to the target.
  • Spell arcane starfire.png Starfire — Causes 8258 to 9742 Arcane damage to the target.
  • Spell nature starfall.png Moonfire — Burns the enemy for 2300 to 2700 Arcane damage and then an additional 4000 Arcane damage over 12 sec.
  • Spell nature insectswarm.png Insect Swarm — The enemy target is swarmed by insects, decreasing their chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks by 3% and causing 16650 Nature damage over 12 sec.
  • Spell nature faeriefire.png Faerie Fire — Decrease the armor of the target by 15% for 40 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible.
  • Spell nature stranglevines.png Entangling Roots — Roots the target in place and causes 1576 Nature damage over 10 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Cyclone — Tosses the enemy target into the air, preventing all action but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.
  • Spell nature stoneclawtotem.png Barkskin — The druid's skin becomes as tough as bark. All damage taken is reduced by 40%. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep. Useable in all forms. Lasts 12 sec.
  • Ability druid forceofnature.png Force of Nature — Summons 3 treants to attack enemy targets for 30 sec. Each treant has 40,740 hit points.

Patch changes

External links