Just Act Natural

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NeutralJust Act Natural
Start Haetio
End Artificer Ligiea
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Bastion
Experience 3,050
Rewards 9g 65s 25c
Previous N [60] How to Become Forsworn, N [60] Unshackled Knowledge
Next N [60] Mark of Humility, N [60] Mark of Knowledge


Artificer Ligiea
While wearing your disguise, find her.

Find Artificer Ligiea farther into Kalliope's Rest.


With this disguise you will blend right in. I... know a Forsworn artificer on the inside who should prove useful. You need to remain convincing, however.

The most important thing is to get to Kalliope's spear before the Forsworn manage to do so. The shrine has many defenses, but it's only a matter of time before they find it.

I am somewhat ashamed. Many of the aspirants here used to be friends. So much has been lost.


You will receive:

  • 9g 65s 25c
  • 3,050 XP


What is it? Don't just mill about.

Oh, it's you...


On accept
Haetio says: With a quick adjustment... there! You will look just like a Forsworn! Only wear it when you're here or in Kalliope's Rest, otherwise the kyrian might mistake you for an enemy.

The extra action button becomes available: Inv epicguildtabard.png Forsworn Disguise

Approaching the artificer
Artificer Ligiea says: Yes? Approach.


  1. N [60] How to Become Forsworn, N [60] Unshackled Knowledge
  2. N [60] Just Act Natural
  3. N [60] Mark of Humility, N [60] Mark of Knowledge
  4. N [60] You Go First
  5. N [60] The Spear of Kalliope
  6. N [60] Rightful Resting Place

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