John the Reanimator

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NeutralJohn the Reanimator
Image of John the Reanimator
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pridefall Hamlet, Revendreth
Status Alive

John the Reanimator is a venthyr located in Pridefall Hamlet in Revendreth once the anima stream from Sinfall's Anima Conductor is channeled into the area.




If Prince Renathal is serious about recovering so much lost territory then we will need more stoneborn to rally to his cause.

It would have been so much easier had he just convinced the Stonewright to join us. As it stands, we must amimate only specific stoneborn lest we only awaken more forces for our foes to wield against us.

Luckily, you have me to tell you which ones are loyal to us.

Patch changes

External links