James Ashvane

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NeutralJames Ashvane
Image of James Ashvane
Title Captain
Gender Male
Race Human
Affiliation(s) House Ashvane, Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Occupation Captain
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Priscilla Ashvane (wife)

Lord James Ashvane was the leader of House Ashvane. He served as a captain in the Kul Tiran fleets, where he died during the invasion of Durotar alongside Daelin Proudmoore.[1] His death, alongside Daelin's, strengthened the already significant bond between House Proudmoore and House Ashvane, which saw both of their wives inheriting their titles.[2]

A memorial in his honor is located in Unity Square in Boralus.[45.45, 73.51]


  • His name is never actually stated by his wife or anyone else, instead only opting for 'Lord Ashvane' when referring to him. The only place it is noted is the memorial in Unity Square, but it was never specified if James Ashvane was the same as Lord Ashvane. World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 4 alleviated this issue by specifying they are the same person.
    • Another lord of Kul Tiras, Lord Stormsong, had a similar issue; where his first name was never revealed until Chronicle stated it.

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