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Image of J'eevee
Gender Male
Race Imp (Demon)
Level 58
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Laboratory, Scholomance; Prison of Immol'thar, Dire Maul
Status Unknown

J'eevee was an imp that appeared during N Warlock [60D] Imp Delivery and N Warlock [60D] Dreadsteed of Xoroth.


J'eevee says: Ah, here we are! Well, let's get to work, shall we?
J'eevee says: Oh, right! Over here now...
J'eevee walks over to one part of the lab.
J'eevee says: And now... the final step!
J'eevee walks over to another part of the lab.
J'eevee says: I'm finished. The parchment is made. Now, return to Gorzeeki...
Dire Maul
J'eevee yells: Ah, freedom! Although brief, so sweet it is...
J'eevee says: Well, duty calls, yes? First, the bell... to give you vigor!
J'eevee says: Next, I'll place the wheel... to protect you from harm.
J'eevee says: <Name>, my duties are complete and I shall now take my leave. Luck to you my fellow, and remember to keep the Bell, Wheel and Candle working!

Patch changes

See also

External links