It Goes to 11...

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AllianceIt Goes to 11...
Start Lieutenant Icehammer
End Lieutenant Icehammer
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 25150
Reputation +350 Valiance Expedition
Rewards  [Frost-Trimmed Gauntlets] or  [Azure Chain Hauberk] or  [Ramshorn-Inlaid Shoulders] or  [Runed Clamshell Choker]
9g 40s
Previous Harpoon Master Yavus
Next A [10-30] Let's Go Surfing Now


Lieutenant Icehammer in the Howling Fjord wants you to destroy the Dragonflayer Longhouse, Dragonflayer Dockhouse, Dragonslayer Storage Facility and 8 Dragonflayer Defenders.

Return the Harpoon Control Mechanism to him once the task is complete.


We must strike while the vrykul forces are in disarray! Take the harpoon control mechanism to Nifflevar and locate the northernmost harpoon building on the bluff side of the village.

Once there, commandeer one of the vrykul harpoon guns that are stationed on the building's deck. Use the harpoon gun to rain hell on Wyrmskull Village! Destroy the longhouse, dockhouse, storage facility and any defenders that the vrykul may send at you!

Do this and Daggercap Bay will become a much safer port!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv gauntlets 05.png [Frost-Trimmed Gauntlets] Inv chest chain 09.png [Azure Chain Hauberk]
Inv shoulder 70.png [Ramshorn-Inlaid Shoulders] Inv jewelry necklace 10.png [Runed Clamshell Choker]

You will also receive: 9g 40s


Is Wyrmskull up in flames?


Excellent work, <name>! You took out a good chunk of their dragon riders and really pissed off their leadership.

Are you ready to head back to Valgarde and report the good news to Zorek? If so, I've got a crazy idea!


Go to the first harpoon you see and use the Harpoon Controller in your inventory. If both harpoons are being used, you will have to wait for someone to be leave or die. Don't worry about the big lever at the far south harpoon launcher. That is for the next step. #1 attacks buildings, #2 attacks defenders.

Target the three buildings down at Wyrmskull closest to the water. From left to right, they are the storage facility, dockhouse and longhouse. Target the roof of the building, not the sides.

Be sure to turn up your [View Distance] other wise you might not be able to see the buildings. This is done by pressing [Esc] then click on the [Video] button at the top of the options menu on the ledt you will see [Resolution] and [Effects]. Select [Effects] it is the top slider on the left under the big Video Quality slider. move it to the right for farther [View Distance]. it might slow you down so be sure to put it back after the quest. If it doesnt slow you down keep it there if you want. Regarding the Longhouse, hit the roof to get it!

Although there is no timer, if you spend too long in the harpoon control, you'll eventually be catapulted out to land in Daggerbay. You'll have to swim back to Valgarde.

It Goes to 11... is a reference to "These Go To Eleven" ([1]) or Up to eleven.


  1. A [10-30] The Path to Payback
  2. A [10-30] Locating the Mechanism
  3. A [10-30] Meet Lieutenant Icehammer...
  4. A [10-30] Drop It then Rock It!
  5. A [10-30] Harpoon Master Yavus
  6. A [10-30] It Goes to 11...
  7. A [10-30] Let's Go Surfing Now

External links