It's Called Borrowing

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AllianceIt's Called Borrowing
Start  [Thurgaden's Designs]
End Anvil-Thane Thurgaden
Level 40-70
Category Dark Iron Dwarf
Race IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Dark Iron dwarf
Experience 7,700
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Brawl or Brew
Next A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Weapons o' the Dark Iron


Find 5 Darkforged Ingot, a Boiling Flamecore, and the Flamepoint Engraver around Shadowforge City.


<These complex blueprints detail Thurgaden's designs for his weaponry, but are hard to parse. Notes are scribbled in the margins in messy handwriting, listing modifications and notes Thurgaden left for himself.

Two notes in particular stand out to you. One denotes that he lent his engraving tool to the core hound trainer Kasea Angerforge, and the other wonders how many elementals they employ at the Grim Guzzler brewing operation.>


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 7,700 XP


<Thurgaden is mumbling and cursing under his breath about how he will defeat Jarden in their next competition.>


Ye return, with my plans and materials at that! I bet ye knocked Jarden down a peg or two!


Gossip I need Thurgaden's Flamepoint Engraver.
Kasea Angerforge says: Thank Thurgaden fer lettin' me borrow it. My precious Brunhilde's new saddle will be a beaut!


  1. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] The Anvil-Thane's Designs
  2. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Brawl or Brew
  3. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] It's Called Borrowing
  4. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Weapons o' the Dark Iron
  5. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Delivery for Kasea
  6. A IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifIconSmall DarkIron Female.gif [40-70] Good Fiery Boy

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