Iron Vrykul (Tyr's Fall)

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NeutralIron Vrykul
Image of Iron Vrykul
Race Iron vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Eastern Glades

Iron Vrykul are located throughout the Eastern Glades during the flashback scenario in N [70] Tyr's Fall, battling (and in many cases lying dead by the hands of) Flesh Spawn and Faceless Devourers. Groups of them are held captive by the Mind Flay spells of Faceless Subjugators and Corruptor Tentacles, but can be freed by the deaths of the creatures. During the last three stages of the scenario, three squadrons of Iron Vrykul accompany Keeper Tyr and surround Zakajz in the northwestern part of the map, though most of them are subsequently killed by the illusions of Neltharion and Malygos.

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