Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone

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NeutralInquisitor Stelia's Sinstone
Start Lord Chamberlain [64.7, 50.0]
End Echelon [67.4, 53.6]
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Rewards 25g 27s 20c
Previous N [58-60] The Accuser's Sinstone
Next N [58-60] Herald Their Demise


Collect Avowed Crypt Keys and open crypts until you locate Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone.


You never truly escape your past, Maw Walker.

Every venthyr once entered Revendreth as a soul, burdened by the immoralities of their mortal lives.

Like all souls, they carved their true names and most shameful transgressions into sinstones.

Knowledge that intimate can be a potent weapon, if wielded properly.

Locate the sinstones of the inquisitors aiding the Accuser so that you may kill them. Start with Stelia.

After they're dead, bring me the Accuser's sinstone. I will deal with her myself.


You will receive:

  • 25g 27s 20c
  • 7,750 XP


Inquisitors hide their sinstones to protect themselves.


Good. Temel will know how to exploit this sinstone.


On accept:

Lord Chamberlain says: I shall keep the Accuser busy. Find and destroy those inquisitors!

Hop on Echelon:

Echelon says: Sinstones are the most powerful--and despised--weapons in Revendreth.
Echelon says: When everyone is running from their past, the worst thing that you can do is shove their faces in it.
Echelon says: I will locate the inquisitor. You find her sinstone.
Echelon says: Expropriate Temel as well. He knows how to best exploit sinstones.

Echelon drops off the player outside a bunch of crypts. He starts the quest N [58-60] Temel, the Sin Herald automatically. In addition, Chiselgrump will start an optional, but useful side quest: N [58-60] It Used to Be Quiet Here.

Kill Avowed mobs until they drop an  [Avowed Crypt Key]. Use the key on a Crypt Door. The first crypt will have a Pile of Sinstones, but not the right one. The second will release a Humbled Soul:

Humbled Soul says: After eons of solitude... I finally understand...
Humbled Soul says: I am ready to let go of my past...

The third unleashes a Depraved Soul:

Depraved Soul says: I will never be forgotten!
Depraved Soul says: I... will not... yield...

The fourth contains the sinstone in question.

Find Echelon:

Echelon says: I have located the inquisitor. You had better have her sinstone...


  1. N [58-60] I Don't Get My Hands Dirty
  2. N [58-60] The Accuser's Sinstone
  3. N [58-60] Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone and N [58-60] Temel, the Sin Herald
  4. N [58-60] Herald Their Demise
  5. N [58-60] Inquisitor Vilhelm's Sinstone
  6. N [58-60] Ending the Inquisitor
  7. N [58-60] Sinstone Delivery
  8. N [58-60] The Accuser's Secret
  9. N [58-60] The Accuser's Fate
  10. N [58-60] A Lesson in Humility

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