Ending the Inquisitor

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NeutralEnding the Inquisitor
Start Echelon [66.0, 47.2]
End Echelon [66.0, 47.2]
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 9,700
Rewards  [Wraps of Pained Absolution]
or  [Nightcloaked Bindings]
or  [Soul Hunter's Bracers]
or  [Stoneforged Vambraces]
25g 27s 20c
Previous N [58-60] Inquisitor Vilhelm's Sinstone
Next N [58-60] Sinstone Delivery
Inquisitor Vilhelm
Powerful venthyr protecting the Accuser's sinstone.


Order Temel to read from Inquisitor Vilhelm's sinstone, then kill him.


Inquisitor Vilhelm hides smugly in the back of the courtyard, flanked by several gargons and loyal venthyr.

We must kill him to break the ward on the Accuser's sinstone, so that Lord Chamberlain can use it in his battle.

Temel will once again help you penetrate the inquisitor's defenses. Do not tarry.


You will receive one of:
Inv bracer cloth oribosquesting b 01.png [Wraps of Pained Absolution] Inv bracer oribosquesting b 01.png [Nightcloaked Bindings]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 bracer.png [Soul Hunter's Bracers] Inv bracer plate oribosquesting b 01.png [Stoneforged Vambraces]

You will also receive:

  • 25g 27s 20c
  • 9,700 XP


Once the inquisitor is dead, the warding spell will be broken.


Lord Chamberlain confirmed the kill. We should hurry.


On accept:

Echelon says: I will reassemble the sinstone for you, Temel.
Temel says: So I can betray my friend with it... Gee, thanks.

Same as on the other kill quest, players have a bonus ability again:

Read Inquisitor Vilhelm's Sinstone 25 yd range — Order Temel to read out the sins of Inquisitor Vilhelm, shattering his defenses and fearing lesser venthyr. (30 sec cooldown)

Head north. This time, Inquisitor Vilhelm is guarded by two Soul Monitors. Note the Overflowing Chalices behind him...

Use the ability:

Temel says: I name Inquisitor Vilhelm his true name... MOONGO THE SUN KING!
Moongo the Sun King says: Wielding sinstones is a dirty trick, mortal.
Temel says: Who ascended to great power and used it only for himself.
Temel says: Who was unsatisfied with the divine gifts granted to him, and stole more.
Temel says: Whose good deeds were motivated by insecurity and jealousy.

Defeat him:

Moongo the Sun King says: Heed... the Accuser.
Lord Chamberlain yells: Ha! The wards protecting your sinstone have crumbled, Accuser!
Lord Chamberlain yells: Echelon! Retrieve it for me immediately!

On complete:

Echelon says: Begone, Temel.
Temel says: With pleasure, 'master.'


  1. N [58-60] I Don't Get My Hands Dirty
  2. N [58-60] The Accuser's Sinstone
  3. N [58-60] Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone and N [58-60] Temel, the Sin Herald
  4. N [58-60] Herald Their Demise
  5. N [58-60] Inquisitor Vilhelm's Sinstone
  6. N [58-60] Ending the Inquisitor
  7. N [58-60] Sinstone Delivery
  8. N [58-60] The Accuser's Secret
  9. N [58-60] The Accuser's Fate
  10. N [58-60] A Lesson in Humility

Patch changes

External links