Improved Heroic Strike

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Improved Heroic Strike
Ability rogue ambush.png
Class Warrior
Other information
Affects [Heroic Strike]

Improved Heroic Strike reduces the rage cost of the Heroic Strike ability.


A fully improved Heroic Strike will cost 12 points of Rage instead of 15 allowing you to spam it more frequently and wait for the necessary rage to build up. Since Improved Heroic Strike is an first tier talent for an ability that doesn't require a specific stance, it's an option for warriors in other trees who need some additional DPS but don't have the points to spend on [Mortal Strike].

Since Rage seems to acculmulate in units of four to six at a time, warriors with good non-two-handers will find this talent useful as they will need to hit an opponent twice instead of three times to build up the necessary rage for a Heroic Strike.

While the three-point reduction might seem to be small, it can go a long way if you have a mess of Rage that needs to be spent. For example, if you have 60 Rage you can get two Mortal Strikes, or four normal Heroic Strikes. With three points in Improved Heroic Strike you can get 5 in that same 60 Rage. At level 40 that's an additional 80 damage and another chance to crit big if you happen to have [Impale].

If you're looking for Threat generation, this is a good talent to look at because you can follow a Heroic Strike up with a Sunder Armor. If you delve far enough into the Protection tree to get [Improved Sunder Armor] you can get both strikes off for 24 Rage rather than 30 (if you don't have either), or 27 (if you have three points in one). This is significant because Heroic Strike doesn't pop the global cooldown like Sunder Armor does meaning you can hit them twice for high threat in the same 1.5 to 2 seconds.

Beneficial builds

Non-two-hander build warriors carrying weapons with fast swing speeds will get good mileage out of this talent.

Two-weapon builds based around rapid Rage generation will get a LOT of mileage out of this talent due to the higher normal damage and the Unbridled Wrath talent which many Fury warriors have.

Protection specced main tanks can get this talent with a very small investment of talent points.

Non-beneficial builds

Two-handed-weapon builds should avoid this talent because using Heroic Strike in general is a bad move for you.

In general, if you don't use Heroic Strike anyway, you won't find this talent useful.

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