Icecrown Effort

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Death Rising
The subject of this article or section was part of Death Rising, a world event that heralded the opening of the Shadowlands.
Achievement zone icecrown 01.png

Icecrown Effort is cast on players who complete the quest N [50] Advancing the Effort, part of the Death Rising quest chain during the Shadowlands pre-expansion event, unlocking the week one daily quests:

Week one:

  1. B [50] An Urgent Request
  2. B [50] Cause for Distraction
  3. B [50] Return of the Crusade
  4. B [50] Field Reports
  5. B [50] Damned Intruders
  6. B [50] Return of the Scourge
  7. B [50] A Message from Icecrown
  8. N [50] Securing the Area & N [50] A Valiant Effort
  9. N [50] Scouting from a Safe Distance
  10. N [50] Advancing the Effort (unlocks week one dailies)

Week two:
Optional breadcrumb: N [50] A Message from the Justicar

  1. N [50] A New Foothold
  2. N [50] Cult Couture & N [50] Fighting for Attention
  3. N [50] Secrets in Shadows
  4. N [50] Bursting the Bubble
  5. N [50] A Message from Above
  6. N [50] Only Shadows Remain (unlocks week two dailies)
  7. B [50] With Hope in Hand

Week one dailies:

Completing Strange Scourgestones unlocks:

Week two dailies, two of:

The week two dailies are unlocked after completing N [50] Only Shadows Remain (via the spell [Continued Effort]).

Patch changes

External links