Hyphae Patrol: Heartwood Grove

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Night FaeHyphae Patrol: Heartwood Grove
Start Marasmius
End Marasmius
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Ardenweald
Experience 8,150
Reputation +350 Marasmius
Rewards 25g 74s


Ride the fae rings and slay 30 Possessed Desecrators in Heartwood Grove.


Those masked fiends have taken over Heartwood Grove, and I mean to stop their plans.

Heartwood Grove was so beautiful before. And now, it's... No matter. We're going to fix this, you and me. Right now.

Come, join me in battle. We'll give those monsters a thrashing that will make their masters think twice before desecrating that sacred place again!


You will receive:


Hurry up. I won't stand to let them spend one moment more in that grove.


There, it's done. They should be driven back, if only for a while. I appreciate the help.


Speak with Marasmius

Gossip Let's Ride.

Patch changes

External links