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Image of Hurp'derp
Gender Male
Race Ogre lord (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Crucible of Carnage, Twilight Highlands
Status Killable

Hurp'derp is an ogre lord located at the Crucible of Carnage in the Twilight Highlands.


  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Intimidating Roar — Roars at an enemy, paralyzing it with terror for 6 sec. and causing all other nearby enemies to flee in fear.
  • Inv mace 21.png Overhead Shot — Smashes the ground in front of himself with a large log, dealing 200% weapon damage to nearby enemies.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that inflicts normal damage.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that lasts 8 sec. and inflicts normal damage plus 110.

Objective of


  • His name is a reference to the Herp Derp meme.

Patch changes

External links