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Huntsman Slodi

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NeutralHuntsman Slodi
Image of Huntsman Slodi
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 45
Class Hunter
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Jandvik vrykul
Location Jandvik, Suramar
Status Alive

Huntsman Slodi is a Jandvik vrykul guarding the settlement's entrance from the Crimson Thicket. He is neutral to all outsiders and will sound his horn to allow adventurers to enter Jandvik peacefully during N [45] Fate of the Tideskorn regardless of whether or not they have previously completed N [45] Removing Obstacles.


During N [45] Fate of the Tideskorn:

Hail, <class>.
I know of Toryl's edict - you will know no harm by my blade.

Gossip I am searching for the vrykul mentioned in these scrolls.

I know little of prophecies, but we have seen new faces in Jandvik since the fall of Skovald.
You should speak to Priestess Bryna.
Her dwelling is in the center of the town. She may know of this prophecy you speak.

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