Hungry as an Ogre!

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NeutralHungry as an Ogre!
Start "Swamp Eye" Jarl
End "Swamp Eye" Jarl
Level 15-30
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 4350
Rewards  [Mud's Crushers]
or  [Durtfeet Stompers]
or  [Mud's Chain Boots]

Hungry as an Ogre! is a quest in given by "Swamp Eye" Jarl in Dustwallow Marsh.


Collect 8 Mirefin Heads from Mirefin Murlocs.


You meet some people out here sometime. Nice people. Met an ogre once. Ogres get hungry just like me.

I'll never forget what he said. He said "Mud big ogre. Me hungry. Go bash fishy. Bring Mud food. You feed Mud or Mud eat you."

So I got him those fish and he ate 'em up. That's when I started too. The heads are the best part, all soggy-like.

Don't crush those heads now. It makes them sad. Sad heads aren't good eating. Get me happy heads and I'll eat them and be happy too.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv gauntlets 116v1.png [Mud's Crushers] Inv boots cloth 33v4.png [Durtfeet Stompers]
Inv gauntlets 116v1.png [Mud's Chain Boots]

You will also receive: 75s


Jarl's hungry. Just like that ogre.


Wonder what it's like to be an ogre. Big people have to eat more.

Ogres must be even hungrier than me. That doesn't sound very fun.


Patch changes

External links