Humbert's Personal Problems

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HordeHumbert's Personal Problems
Start Deathguard Humbert
End Deathguard Humbert
Level 7-30
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 1850
Reputation +250 Undercity
Rewards 15s


Recover Humbert's Sword, Humbert's Helm, and Humbert's Pants.


So this is pretty embarrassing. Where to begin?

Well, you see, Melisara sent me to investigate the yeti menace in the nearby caves, west of here. It was getting late and my armor was weighing heavily on me. I took my gear off and decided to take a stroll. Yes, I, erm, went for a walk. Anyway, when I returned I discovered that my gear had been stolen! It was the yetis. I'm sure of it. They took my pants, sword and helm and ran off into their cave. Get them back for me and I will reward you.


You will receive: 15s


I'm practically naked here, <name>. Help me out, eh?


Thank you, <name>! I promise you that this is the last time I take this gear off.

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