How Big a Threat?

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AllianceHow Big a Threat?
Start Terenthis
End Terenthis
Level 14 (Requires 10)
Category Darkshore
Experience 750 EXP (or 4s 50c at level 70)
Next A [14] How Big a Threat?


Find a corrupt furbolg camp in Darkshore and return to Terenthis in Auberdine.

  • Find a corrupt furbolg camp


Some of my brethren were rescued from a corrupt furbolg in Teldrassil, and I've vowed to stop any more atrocities before more of our kind are injured... or worse. I have seen a couple hints of corruption in Darkshore already, but I have yet to find any widespread signs. I think it would be logical if the investigation continued with the furbolgs. Would you find one of their camps, and return to me if you see any signs of corruption?


This is terrible news indeed, <name>. With the furbolgs this close to Auberdine, we will have to prepare ourselves for the inevitable. Thank you, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Rough Location

Looking at one's map, the camp is slightly north of the 'm' in 'Ameth 'Aran'


External links