Horton Gimbleheart

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AllianceHorton Gimbleheart
Image of Horton Gimbleheart
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northwatch Hold, Southern Barrens
Status Unknown, presumed deceased

Horton Gimbleheart is a gnome quest giver found in Northwatch Hold in the Southern Barrens. He is a colleague of Nibb Spindlegear.

It is unknown whether he survived the Razing of Northwatch Hold or not.



  • Do you think I can make it to Theramore on foot?
  • Run for your lives! Every gnome for himself!
  • Where did I leave my voltometer? Bah, no matter. The Horde can keep it!
  • I'm taking the next ship back home.
  • Everybody panic!
  • They're through the gates! I'm outta here!

Patch changes

External links