Horde Conscript (War of the Thorns)

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For the Dragonblight NPC, see Horde Conscript.
HordeHorde Conscript
Image of Horde Conscript
Gender Both
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 110
Class Shaman
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shatterspear War Camp, Darkshore
War of the Thorns
The subject of this article or section took place during the War of the Thorns, the Battle for Azeroth pre-launch event.

Horde Conscripts were tauren located in the Shatterspear War Camp in Darkshore during the War of the Thorns.


  • Lightning Bolt
  • Healing Wave

Objective of


  • My life... for the Horde.
  • Death to the Alliance.
  • We cannot be stopped...
  • For the Horde!
  • Don't think I'll make it through this one.
  • Fight... to the death...
  • Not like this...
  • Victory or death!

Patch changes

External links