Honor the Fallen

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HordeHonor the Fallen
Start Althen the Historian
End Commander Hogarth
Level 10-30
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9800 EXP (or 1g 17s at level 70)
Reputation +250 Thrallmar

 [Blade of the Unyielding]

 [Rod of the Unyielding]
Previous H [10-30] Bloody Vengeance


Report to Commander Hogarth in the Expedition Armory.


Hogarth, the commander of the Armory, is in the eastern tower. You must report your victory over Urtrak to him. Perhaps he will be friendly? Of course he may try to consume your soul. One can never tell with spirits such as these.

The Unyielding are still against us and will no doubt kill you if they can. Be careful <name>.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv sword 23.png [Blade of the Unyielding] Inv staff 12.png [Rod of the Unyielding]

You will also receive:


We lost our battle against the fel orcs so very long ago. You have restored some of our lost honor by killing Urtrak.

Take one of our weapons with you. When you are fighting our most hated foes, use this weapon, and those who are free of our curse will come to your aid.

Before you leave, those who died at the siege tower wish to honor you for destroying our enemies.


On completion, several Vengeful Unyielding and Vengeful Unyielding Knights briefly appear to bow.

The Blade of the Unyielding and Rod of the Unyielding will always summon soldiers to fight alongside you when you battle Grillok "Darkeye".


  1. H [10-30] Decipher the Tome
  2. H [10-30] The Battle Horn
  3. H [10-30] Bloody Vengeance
  4. H [10-30] Honor the Fallen

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