Honey Smasher

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MobHoney Smasher
Image of Honey Smasher
Gender Male
Race Ettin (Giant)
Level 52 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormsong Valley[61.4, 16.0]
Status Killable

The Honey Smasher is a rare elite ettin who can be found in northern Stormsong Valley. Once per day, killing him will reward Honeyback Hive reputation and bee-related loot.


  • Inv bee default.png BEEEEEES! — Shakes his bee-covered mallet, summoning bees to attack nearby players.
  • Inv mace 1h honeystick a 01.png Sticky Smack — Smacks a player with a honeyed mace, inflicting 15 Physical damage and flinging pools of honey around them. Stepping into a pool of honey will trigger Sticky Feet, slowing the player's movement speed by 40% while inside the honey.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Sugar Rush — Energetic after devouring a massive portion of honey, the Ettin swirls around, smacking players within 12 yards for 5 Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.



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