Hollowed Bone Decanter

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To obtain the Hollowed Bone Decanter you must use an  [Amani Hex Stick] on a Forest Frog in Zul'Aman. Occasionally, the frog will turn into an NPC called Kyren, whom you can buy this item from. The item itself may contain one of the following potions:

Name Level Type Drop %
 [Flask of Mighty Restoration] 75 (65) Flask 11%
 [Elixir of Major Mageblood] 71 (60) Elixir 9%
 [Elixir of Major Defense] 69 (55) Elixir 8%
 [Flask of Relentless Assault] 75 (65) Flask 8%
 [Elixir of Empowerment] 73 (60) Elixir 7%
 [Elixir of Major Shadow Power] 70 (60) Elixir 7%
 [Fel Strength Elixir] 67 (60) Elixir 7%
 [Flask of Fortification] 75 (65) Flask 7%
 [Flask of Supreme Power] 60 (50) Flask 7%
 [Elixir of Major Agility] 66 (55) Elixir 4%
 [Super Mana Potion] 68 (55) Potion 4%
 [Super Healing Potion] 65 (55) Potion 2%

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